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In space flyer

Yours is a worker owned and managed café/venue that imagines a better food system and provides space for radical action, music, art and cooperation.

Eat, drink, choose your price: Yours is pay as you like. We accept cash, eftpos, promises, koha, in-kind labour, homegrown vegetables, unsolicited advice, IOUs, artworks, lemons from your tree, dish washing, potato scrubbing, gifts, sly winks, tick-ups, backyard eggs, etc. This list is not exhaustive.

Get Involved: We’re always open to new members joining. Whether your interests lie in food, events, anarchism, DIY, fun or elsewhere, there’s a place for you. Heaps of mahi is currently being poured into the space at 43 Moray Place and we welcome your participation. Check out for more info or just talk to a member.

Kā mihi nui ki a koutou

See you soon xo