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2023-01-11 | Wednesday the 11th of January

These are notes taken after the meeting, so they're not very detailed.

Present: Jack, Carl, Dylan, Shiann, Liam

Policy Documents

Carl presented the latest versions of the WIP policy documents, and we made some changes:

  • Safer Spaces Policy (v1.3 -> v1.4): Capitalised some Reo terms, removed some copy-and-pasted terms.
  • Induction Pamphlet v1.0: Changed language around membership and removed reference to legal ownership.

Booking Process

Jack raised that there were concerns from Alex about a people booked for an upcoming gig. It was decided that we would talk to Alex more about his concerns and figure out where to go from there. In future, we will make sure that bookings are put to the Events Syndicate chat before going ahead.

Tech Stuff

We are moving to Matrix w/ Element for communication, and we have a wiki now for documents.