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23/07/04 - General Assembly

ŌPCo GA - 04/07/23

In attendance: Dylan, Anna-Marie, Liam, Jos, Wesley, Sol, Robyn

Later: frances, Carl

Wes’s proposal 

Projectspace for 20h of the week 

Had a projectspace in Tamaki

Why in Yours? already things going on here creatively, already community here, less pressure to sell the work, more about engaging with the art

Wes has a list of artists they were gonna work w in Tamaki

Is hoping to bring those artists here

Possibly at least 20% of artists could be from Otepoti 

Would like to use the end room, rip up the carpet 

Purely a projectspace so exhibitions, performances, workshops etc 

Liam suggests maybe making the walkways to the exhibition space a bit better, tidier 

Inclusivity? Wes is keen on pairing one emerging artist with one established artist 

Content? Primarily interested in textile work, what is fiber

Dylan asks, what about problematic artists? How is that dealt with? Eg from experience in events syndicate. It’s something to be worked on over time.

There would be three projectspaces, art syndicate, tini whetu, the heat if this went ahead

May need some storage and a space for resting, so this would be combined with the art syndicate space

Vote is “Soft Yes” 

Carl and Frances have just arrived and would like to discuss is a bit more later

Anna-Marie is Wesley’s point of contact 

Frances would like a cleaning roster for anyone who’s using the upstairs spaces, we can talk about that again soon 

Come and Help: This Wednesday 

Need more cleaning of communal spaces like the office

Calendar in the office for office events, and ppl who are staying upstairs

Closed for Matariki (teacher’s only day) and then there’s Matariki cider party in the evening 

Hui from 2pm on the 14th transition into party mode

Roof fixing: 

Oops I zoned out for a bit. The landlords are going to fix it, yay

Jos: has to do volunteer hours for course. Jos can mop floors. Maybe on a Monday. Someone will need to sign it off. 

Sol: The next show is going to be ticketed, 10 unwaged, 15 waged, will be sold at the counter

Sina will be on doors, Jos can do sound

Events setup:

Little stairs built for the stage would be good 

Do we want a soft divider for the space? 

Adjusting the stage lighting 

(could be revisited on teacher’s only day) 

Review of cleaning party: not many ppl are making it to the cleaning party, Robyn is concerned that if the kitchen isn’t looking that tidy then that’s not encouraging for welcoming ppl into the space

What do we do about dishes and cleaning? Whose doing it or not, when and why etc

Frances makes point that maybe it’s been quite messy because so much energy is going toward events when staff capacity is low

Carl will make a poster for a public cleaning party

We are tax artists

Wes, Fran. Piu could all meet together sooooon 

The end.