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2023-02-14 GA


(This meeting was postponed from the scheduled date 6-02-2023 due to absences).


-Opening applause for anniversary of the death of Captain Cook.


Desire to get on top of building maintenance expressed.

Useful to have a specific set of standards. These standards include a hard reset of all spaces after use. (This could additionally be places on the walls of the Yours kitchen to help with inclusivity/access to information)

Element chat created for ongoing ŌPCo building maintenance. Stakeholders/users/participants of the building to be added.

Talked about a culture shift from individualism to collectivism.

>Yours/Kitchen Syndicate

Labour roster considered for kitchen syndicate. Carl to look into Red Emma's system, Liam to look into element-based systems.

"Use Me" list for kitchen fridge to be instated.

We need more containers.

Kitchen Syndicate to have a meeting at 1100 on days when working.

Enviro Schools Talk

8th of March (Wednesday), Ōrokonui, Sometime from 10am. Dylan, Jack, Sol to do talk. Present at next GA for the lols.


We have paid all our billz from setup (except we still owe papa Joe 5K), as well as rent for this month. $300 in the account + cash in the till.

We need a wet chemical fire extinguisher for Yours kitchen - Johnny to look into.

Card Numbers for xero (last 4 digits)
Dylan - 9244
Liam - 5798
Jack - 0854
Carl - 9309

Sound Baffling

Scott to follow up with potential donor of insulation.


(Afterwards we ate pumpkins stuffed with lentils and coconut cream which Sina made and it was jolly)